Mr. Kastle returns


AU 13 Kastle 1396, dubbed “Mr. Kastle” by Donald Campbell, has returned to his birth loft where he will breed for the next few years. He was sent to Don as a baby to race in the IHC club in Cleveland where he built a very good record with a limited young bird and old bird season. Turns out, he’s proven to be a great breeder, too. That M&D Evans Shadow blood just keeps producing winners generation after generation. Mr. Kastle is 100% M&D Evans and a grandson of Eisenhower x Joint Venture with additional doses of superb genetics from Golden Gaby, Carrie, and Queen of Diamonds.

And now that I’ve had the chance to have father and son next to each other and I’m amazed at how similar they are. This is my goal: line breed from the producers and try to make clones that perform as the parents and grandparents did. Don has worked tirelessly and applied his talents to my birds and I can’t thank him enough for that and for letting me “borrow” Mr. Kastle for a while.

1396 and einstein

1396 Racing Results:

As a Young Bird:
11th vs. 443b. 100 miles (3%)
8th vs. 545b. 100 miles (2%)
33rd vs. 357b 175 miles (9%)
30th vs. 275b 100 miles (11%)

As an Old Bird:
4th ACE bird ABC Combine & Ohio-Penn Fed
6th AU ACE bird Ohio Middle Distance
1st Section, 4th Combine, 70th Fed vs. 1372 b. 96L 300 miles (5%)
34th Combine vs. 407 b. 32L 200 miles (1%)
16th Combine vs. 542b 29L 150miles (3%)
1st Club, 5th Combine vs. 469b 34L 300 miles (1%)

Results for babies of 1396

AU 14 GNEO 758
1st Combine, 200m., 705b.
29th 300m., 856b. GNEO Race

AU 14 OCR 28
2nd (eq. 1) 200m., 229b.
5th (eq. 1) 200m., 188b.
8th (eq. 1) 175m., 266b.
8th (eq. 1) 100m., 220b.
11th 200m., 178b.
79th 340m., 537b. (Ohio Classic Race)

AU 14 OCR 03
3rd (eq. 1) 100m., 269b.
6th 200m., 197b.
10th (eq.1) 100m., 90b.

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